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RPGs - Horror
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RPG Type
- Accessories
- Alternate Rules
- Campaign Setting
- Core Rules
- Quick Start Rules
- Scenario Adventure or Module
- Solitaire Adventure
- Solitaire Advenutre
- Sourcebook
Accessory Type
RPG System
- "Did you Hear About the Kid who Died Here?"
- (Stand) In The Place Where You Live
- 5 Second Rule
- 5e Game System Product (DandD 5th Edition Compatible)
- A Fool's Errand
- A Kiss From A Rose
- A Town Called Malice
- AD&D First Edition (1e) Compatible Products
- After School Special
- ALIEN - The Roleplaying Game
- Alone in the Tower
- Alternate Education
- Amidst Endless Quiet
- Anamnesis
- Badge Quest
- Basic D&D Compatible Product
- Beast at Bay
- Beware the Demogorgon
- Black Void
- Bloodiest Mary
- Bluebeard's Bride
- Call of Catthulhu
- Call of Cthulhu (1st Edition)
- Call of Cthulhu (2nd - 6th Edition)
- Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition)
- Camp Fire
- Candela Obscura
- Cthulhu Catcher
- Dark Souls - The Roleplaying Game
- Deathmatch Island
- Delta Green - The Role-Playing Game
- Demon Realms
- Demonbreakers
- Dungeons and Dragons (5th Edition)
- Dystopia Rising - Evolution
- Eat the Reich
- Everything Nice
- Fate Core
- Fear of the Unknown
- Fiasco
- Generic or Universal
- Gloom
- Heartbreak Club
- Hunter - The Reckoning 5th Edition
- Hunter - The Vigil (Second Edition)
- I Was a Teenage Lizard Person
- Idle Hands Make the Devil's Work
- Is There a Spider on My Head?!?
- KULT - Divinity Lost (4th Edition)
- Labyrinth Lord
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- Legacy - Life Among the Ruins
- Longing for Tranquility
- Lovecraftesque
- Monster of the Week
- Mothership
- Mörk Borg
- Mörk Borg Compatible Product
- Never Going Home
- Night's Black Agents
- Nots and Crosses
- Numbskulls
- Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game
- Old School Reference and Index Compilation (OSRIC)
- Omotenashi
- Ossuary
- Our Haunt
- Party First
- Project ECCO
- Quantum Black
- Rest in Pieces
- Savage Worlds
- Seiðr
- Seven Minutes in Hell
- Shiver
- SLA Industries 2nd Edition
- Slashr
- Social Darwinball
- Starfinder System Compatible Product
- Sword Noir
- Swords and Wizardry
- Tangled Blessings
- The Cypher System
- The Fall of Delta Green
- The Ghost Room
- The Pellet Pals Incident
- The Tappers
- The Tragedy of GJ 237b
- The Yellow King
- This Discord Has Ghosts In It
- Those Dark Places
- Thousand Year Old Vampire
- Through the Breach (1st and 2nd Editions)
- Totally Real Human Adults
- Trail of Cthulhu
- Trash Bandits
- Trophy Dark
- Vampire - The Masquerade (5th Edition)
- Vast Grimm
- vs. Ghosts
- We Deal in Lead
- Whispers in the Walls
- Wishmasters
- Witch - Fated Souls
- Wizard Student Council
- Zombicide - Chronicles
- Zoning Out
- Action and Adventure
- Action or Adventure
- Adult and Mature
- Adult or Mature
- Animal
- Animation or Comics
- Childhood
- Comedy or Satire
- Crime
- Culture
- Fantasy
- Generic or Universal
- History
- Horror
- Mecha
- Modern
- Mythology and Folklore
- Mythology or Folklore
- Occult
- Politics or Government
- Politics or Government
- Religion
- Science Fiction
- Social
- Steampunk
- War
- Weird and Surreal
- Weird or Surreal
Minimum Age
RPG Complexity
RPG Mechanic
- 'Diceless'
- Attribute or Stat Based
- AttributeorStat Based
- Cards
- Class Based
- Description Based
- Dexterity-based
- Dice (Percentile)
- Dice (Primarily d10)
- Dice (Primarily d12)
- Dice (Primarily d20)
- Dice (Primarily d2orcoin)
- Dice (Primarily d6)
- Dice (Primarily d8)
- Dice (Primarily FudgeordF)
- Dice (Specialized)
- Dice (Various)
- Dice Pool
- Dice Step
- Exploding Dice
- Exploding Dice (Die may 'explode' into a second roll)
- Free-form
- GM-less
- Grid-based
- Journaling
- Level Based
- Point Based
- Progression Tree
- Race Based
- Random Attribute Generation
- Reading
- Roll and keep
- Skill Based
- Trait or Aspect Based
- Trait or Aspect Based
- 9th Level Games
- Angry Hamster Publishing
- Anodyne Printware
- Arc Dream Publishing
- Bannerless Games
- Black Armada Games
- Bleak Horizons Press
- Blinking Birch Games
- Bully Pulpit Games
- Buried Key
- Catthulhu.com
- Cavalry Games
- Chaosium
- Coins and Scrolls Publishing
- Cool Mini or Not
- Creature Curation
- Critical Kit
- Cubicle 7 Entertainment
- Darrington Press
- DM Dave
- Earl of Fife Games
- Edge
- Elliot Davis moreblueberries
- Evil Hat Productions
- Ex Stasis Games
- Exalted Funeral Press
- Fantasy Flight Games
- Fat Goblin Games
- Free League
- Free League Publishing
- Gale Force Nine
- Gamenomicon
- Ghostfire Gaming
- Good Luck Press
- Goodman Games
- Green Ronin Publishing
- Hebanon Games
- Imagining Games
- Infinite Black
- Jon Boyle
- Kira Magrann
- Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- Long Tail Games
- Magpie Games
- Modiphius
- MonkeyFun Studios
- Monte Cook Games
- moreblueberries
- Mothwin Productions
- NDP Design
- New Comet Games
- Nightfall Games
- Onyx Path Publishing
- Osprey Publishing
- Paizo
- Pandion Games
- Parable Games
- Paradigm Concepts
- Pelgrane Press
- Petersen Games
- Pinnacle Entertainment
- Plotbunny Games
- Possum Creek Games
- Quantum Black Games
- Ravendesk Games
- Reliquary Game Studios
- Renegade Game Studios
- Rowan, Rook & Decard
- Rowan, Rook and Deckard
- Sixpence Games
- Slang Design
- SoulMuppet Publishing
- Spines
- Steamforged Games
- Studio 2 Publishing
- Swords Edge Publishing
- Tao Games
- The Gauntlet
- The Impossible Dream
- Tuesday Knight Games
- Wet Ink Games
- Wizards of the Coast
- Wyrd Miniatures
We Deal in Lead - Roleplaying Game
Token - Roleplaying Game
Rest in Pieces - Ridiculous Roommate Roleplaying Game
Our Haunt - Roleplaying Game
Godspark - Roleplaying Game
Fear of the Unknown - Roleplaying Game
Call of Cthulhu RPG - Corsairs of Cthulhu
The Yellow King - Roleplaying Game - Absinthe In Carcosa
Call of Cthulhu RPG - Cthulhu Dark Ages
Shiver Gothic RPG - Secrets of Spireholm
Shiver Gothic RPG - Disciples of Dregstone
Shiver RPG - The Cursed Library
Shiver RPG - Role-Playing Tales in the Strange & Unknown
Stay Alive! - Roleplaying Game (Cypher System)
Rhapsody of Blood RPG
Death Throes RPG
Tangled Blessings - Roleplaying Game
Grim Hollow - Lairs of Etharis Map Pack
Dwelling RPG
Into the Wyrd and Wild RPG